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GovTech Book Review - Cyber Risk Leaders

Writer's picture: ShamaneShamane is the online portal to Government Technology, a division of e.Republic, Inc. Government Technology and its sister publications are an award-winning family of magazines covering information technology's role in state and local governments in the US. Managers, elected officials, CIOs and technology staff at all levels of government gain IT news and event information from Government Technology magazine.

Dan Lohrmann, Chief Security Officer & Chief Strategist at Security Mentor Inc. reviews the newest cybersecurity book - Cyber Risk Leaders here.

"What I really like about this book are the breadth and depth of topics and range of stories under each heading. Shamane often ends sections with a “You did what” set of stories to illustrate her advice and tips from others. Some of these were mistakes people made and how CISOs and other cyberleaders overcame and learned from those mistakes." - Dan Lohrmann
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